The Revere Police School Resource Officers (SRO) work exclusively in the Revere Public Schools with the children. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Interacting with the children on a daily basis
- Organizing and participating in the Police Athletic League (PAL)
- Ensuring the safe arrival and departure of the children
- Monitoring the traffic and parking conditions in the area of the school during arrival and dismissal
- Meeting with students, parents and teachers regarding juvenial, non-school disciplinary matters
- Actively involved in the Revere Police Gang Unit, including prevention
In 2023 the Revere Police Department welcomed our first Therapy Dog Charlie! Generously funded by the Revere School Department, Charlie is assigned to the schools along with his handler, Officer Brenes. Assigned as our Community / School Resource Therapy Dog, he frequently attends both school and community events in Revere. Charlie was born February 13, 2023 and is an English Black Labrador weighing about 80 lbs. Follow Charlie on Instagram: Charlie_reverepd
Sgt. Joseph Internicola 781-284-1212 x60346 [email protected]
Officer Joseph Singer 781-284-1212 x60359 [email protected]
Officer Bryan Brenes 781-284-1212 x60353 [email protected]